greatlakesneurofeedback Neurofeedback Sarnia, Ont. | Direct Neurofeedback - Neurofeedback & Counselling - Neurofeedback & Counselling


Welcome To Our Neurofeedback Therapy Brain Training Program

We train stressed, overwhelmed, and busy brains to naturally self-regulate using advanced neurofeedback technology.


Looking for Neurofeedback therapy in Sarnia and beyond?

In-office Appointments and Home Rental Systems

We Address Stress

We Address Stress ⬩

Does your brain have TOO many tabs open?

Do you feel stuck, not feeling yourself lately?

Feeling more reactive and/or irritable?

Feeling more on edge and easily overwhelmed?

Are you looking to address your stress & find more clarity?

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How Neurofeedback Therapy Works



A neurofeedback therapist places EEG sensors are placed on the top of your head and ears. These sensors listen for sudden changes in your brains electrical activity that may be preventing optimal brain function. The system scans your brain 256x per second offering real-time feedback. and information.



This information is mirrored back to your brain and presented to you via subtle interruptions in the music you are listening to. These brief pauses initiate your body's natural ‘orienting response’ which prompts your central nervous system to attend to the present moment where it can learn, adapt, and self-organize for optimal functioning.

Neurofeedback Therapy in Sarnia


Neuroplasticity is your brain's natural ability to continuously learn, adapt, and self-organize. With each session, your brain learns a little bit more about itself and how it is functioning. When your brain is working optimally there can be many benefits to your overall health and well-being.

Neurofeedback Sarnia, Ont.
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In-Office Sessions

Neurofeedback Therapy in Sarnia

  • Full 33-minute NeurOptimal® training session

  • Regular consultations and progress tracking support

  • Access to our wellness e-workbook

  • Dim lighting and a calm, quiet atmosphere

  • Assortment of games and colouring available for children

Single Session Investment

Initial Intake + Neurofeedback session | $200

Follow-up Sessions | $125

Sessions may be covered by Extended Health Care Benefits. Connect with us to inquire.

Payment and cancellation: Payment for your session is required at the end of each appointment. We accept credit and e-transfer. We require 24hrs cancellation notice.

Rental Program

Neurofeedback Therapy Anywhere

  • Train your whole family with unlimited sessions

  • The most economical way to enjoy neurofeedback. Reduce the overall cost, travel, and need for scheduling

  • How-To Video Tutorials and 24-7 tech support. Our neurofeedback technology has the expertise built right in. It is fully automated, making it very user friendly and easy to operate

Home Rental Investment

Family Package One Month | $1100 +hst

Individual Package One Month | $800 +hst

All Subsequent Months | $800 +hst

We accept payment via e-transfer. Rentals are not covered under Extended Health Care Benefits.

The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.
— Prasad Mahes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • NeurOptimal® meets your brain where it is and trains it to function at an optimal level, so you can become your best—no matter who you are.

    Many people are seeking medication free and non-invasive approaches to health and wellness.

    Your brain is what makes you, YOU. It is the most essential organ in your body as it is intimately connected to, and influences every part of your body system. It is the executive control center of the entire body – and the supervisor of your moods, thoughts, memories, and actions. When it is working optimally everything can function with more ease.

    Today we are experiencing higher levels of stress than ever before and our nervous system is not equipped, nor designed to live in this heightened and dysregulated state. Our busy lifestyles are making it increasingly more difficult to think clearly, concentrate and cope with everyday stressors. Stress mixed with a dysregulated nervous system can have many negative impacts on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    Let’s start looking at our brain health like we do our physical health!

  • Three different ways to connect:

    1. Schedule a time to connect “GET STARTED” button

    2. Give us a call at 226-840-2200

    3. Complete the contact form on our CONTACT US page.

  • Both counselling and neurofeedback session may be covered or partially covered under your Extended Health care Benefits. Our team are all Registered Social Workers. Please connect with us for details. Please note that we do not offer direct billing.

  • Neuroplasticity - your brain's natural ability to continuously learn, adapt, and self-organize - neurofeedback has become a rapidly growing field. Neurofeedback is a brain training program which presents the brain with information that supports your Central Nervous System's natural ability to self-regulate and reorganize thus empowering your brain to function at its best.

    NeurOptimal® was developed over 30 years ago by Clinical Psychologists, Drs. Susan and Valdeane Brown. Thousands of clients have reported being helped.

    Trainers around the world have shown NeurOptimal® to be safe and have demonstrated extraordinary efficacy levels across a broad range of people with a broad range of goals.

  • The system uses real-time EEG sensors to detect inconsistencies and sudden changes in electrical activity that may be preventing optimal brain function.

    This information is mirrored back to your brain and presented to you via subtle interruptions in the music. These brief pauses initiate your body's natural ‘orienting response’ which prompts your central nervous system to attend to the present moment where it can learn, adapt, and self-organize for optimal functioning.

    With each session, your brain learns a little bit more about itself. When your brain is working optimally there can be many benefits to your overall health and well-being.

    1. Do not consume substances like alcohol or cannabis before your appointment.

    2. Have your initial intake package submitted. This is emailed upon booking the initial appointment

    3. Remove ear jewelry.

    4. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a book with you if you prefer to read during your 30 minute brain training session.

    5. Stay hydrated.

    6. Show up right at your appointment time. bring a small blanket to get cozy.

  • …..anyone with a brain!!!

    No matter where your lifestyle takes you—from athletes to executives to students, performers, or artists, no matter the age– an optimal mindset helps you to be your best. NeurOptimal® is a great tool to have as part of a wellness program as it is designed to catalyze personal transformation and promote a flexible and resilient mindset.

    NeurOptimal® empowers your whole brain to perform at its best regardless of diagnosis, labels, or goals. Outcomes are unique to every individual.

  • •Improved stress resilience/ease throughout the day

    •Quieter & less busy mind

    •Enhanced mood & emotional regulation

    •Improved quality of sleep & clarity

    •Deeper feelings of calm & relaxation

    •Greater motivation & energy

    •Better memory & focus

    •Enhanced performance

    •Decrease in reactivity & impulsivity

    •Reduced worry & racing thoughts

    Neurofeedback has become a popular tool in enhancing sport performance — many Olympians and professional athletes are incorporating neurofeedback into their training programs to help them gain a mental advantage and edge.

  • Because every brain is different, every person will have a unique response to the training. Therefore it is not possible to predict exactly how your brain will respond to the information NeurOptimal® provides. While some people report immediate results in certain cases, others may need to train longer or more frequently.

    Your results will vary depending on how your brain adapts and uses the information that NeurOptimal® is giving it. If we were to ask how many lessons it would take to master meditation or learn how to play the violin, the answer is unknown and would be different for each person. Consistency is key.

    The brain is also living tissue, and our systems can get “knocked off” by hormonal changes, pollution, and the stresses of our everyday lives, etc. When this happens, one or two maintenance sessions may help you get back on track. We also have many clients who have made Neurofeedback Training a regular part of their ongoing wellness routine.

  • How often you train is completely up to you but we do recommend starting with two sessions a week and then move towards weekly sessions as we progress. Training can be done as frequently as once or three times a day and therefore it depends on how quickly you would like to see results.

  • NeurOptimal has been developed by Clinical Psychologists, Drs. Susan and Valdeane Brown. Neuroptimal® has been classified safe by Health Canada and the FDA. The process is 100% non-invasive. Nothing is put into your brain (no electricity or strong frequencies or vibrations). Is it 100% painless as the feedback you receive is simply the audible skips in the music (negative feedback). It does not push your brain into any specific direction or frequency. Rather, it allows your brain to observe its own cortical activity so that it can use its intrinsic wisdom to self-organize and re-adjust.

    NeurOptimal® has evolved over the course of 30 years, with nearly 4 million Session-hours logged and thousands of clients reporting being helped. Trainers around the world have shown NeurOptimal® to be safe and demonstrating extraordinary efficacy levels across a broad range of people with a broad range of goals.

    Please address any medical inquiries with your primary care practitioner (PCP). If you take prescription medication, you should consult with your PCP before reducing or discontinuing the use of such medications. Always seek the advice of a PCP with any questions regarding a medical condition or any medications. As well, some medications may impacts training outcomes.

  • Rest assured, that we have carefully chosen and invested in the most advanced Neurofeedback Technology available on the market today as it allows for limited side effects. Any effects felt during a session or soon after are a response by your central nervous system to the challenge of training. Although the sessions may feel relaxing, your brain is actually working very hard. Neurofeedback is like going to a gym for the brain.

    Once you start training, old patterns may be stirred up and challenged, which may cause some discomfort for a short time, until the brain and central nervous system learn to release and rebalance naturally and with ease. For example, you may experience any of the following symptoms: tiredness, sleep disruption the night of your session, hyperarousal, irritability, headache (due to dehydration), sleeping during the session, awareness of discomfort in the body often associated with old injuries or yawning after your session. These effects, if they occur, are temporary and usually disappear in the hours following the session and generally stop appearing after a few sessions as the central nervous system becomes stronger, more flexible, and more resilient.

  • NeurOptimal® empowers your whole brain to perform at its best regardless of diagnosis, labels, or goals. It does not attempt to “fix” predetermined conditions or pin down specific problems or specific symptoms. Rather, the central nervous system listens to the feedback provided from the system and then uses its intrinsic knowledge to adapt and change where it sees fit. NeurOptimal is brain training, not a treatment. Therefore, we are unable to say whether it will help with a, b or c. However, considering we can shape our brain; this training technique has great potential to positively impact everyone.

    When there is more balance, many challenges can fall away. A balanced brain promotes a healthy body. Thousands of clients have reported being helped.

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Check Out NeurOptimal Reviews Below



With nearly 4 million training Sessions worldwide, NeurOptimal® is changing lives.


Individual results may vary, these stories may not reflect the typical person’s experience and are not intended to represent that anyone will achieve the same results.

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Did You Know That We Also Offer Counselling?!